Friday, December 19, 2008

When You've Eaten One Too Many...

Last Sunday morning, I had cookies and cake at church. Monday night I had cheesecake at a Christmas party. Wednesday night, there was the cake at a baby shower. And tonight, there will be dessert at my extended family's Christmas party. And of course in between all these merry events, there's all sorts of snacking going on!

Does this sound familiar to you?

It's easy to have "one too many" to eat through December! So here are a few things you can do starting today to keep the scale from moving in the wrong direction:

1. Keep a food journal until Christmas. Record all you eat and drink each day. The shock and awe you experience by realizing what's being consumed may be enough to stop you - ha!

2. Fit in exercise. Try doing an exercise DVD at home for 20-30 minutes.

3. Don't buy anything else yummy for your own home. You'll have plenty of opportunity to have treats at upcoming parties and get togethers.

4. Drink water and tea; skip the egg nog and Christmas coffees at Starbucks.

Remember what it says in Proverbs 25:28: "Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control."

Practice self-control and you'll have a merrier Christmas without the regrets of overeating (too much!). Hope you have a great weekend preparing for Christmas day!

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