When my husband Rich and I brought our daughter home, the atmosphere in our apartment indeed changed. Unfortunately, at times it wasn’t as peaceful as I had hoped! During the first few weeks, reality was long days of breastfeeding, housekeeping, and changing diapers. The nights were even longer as I was awake rocking or pacing the floor with my crying baby. It took some time for my real life circumstances to apprehend my prenatal dreams! I had envisioned a clean home, a cooked dinner, and a content baby. As I transitioned into motherhood, however, there were many afternoons that I was still in my pajamas when Rich got home from work.
A clean house?
Dinner ready?
Forget it!
I had lost my heart to this little one, but there were times when I thought I was losing my mind, as well, LOL!
A new mom easily encounters stress from the many demands placed upon her. Emotionally, she is realizing that a tiny human being is totally dependent upon her. For the first time ever, she is able to accurately assess the weight of a mother’s responsibility. These heady discoveries are accompanied by the physical challenges of weight gain, hemorrhoids, fatigue, and sore breasts. It’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed and even inadequate for the job.
Somewhere along the path of your pregnancy or after your baby is born, you may begin to doubt your ability to be a mother. You’re not alone. It is an awesome assignment to be given the task of raising a child. It is also an incredible blessing. Perhaps you’ve looked at other women handling the multitude of tasks involved in parenting and wondered if you’ll be able to do it. You may have even looked at your own upbringing and cringed, determined you will do things differently.
It’s comforting to turn to God’s Word and see that He handpicked you to be the mother of this child. Psalm 139:13 says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Incredibly, you and your baby were meant to be together! God planned it. Maybe you don’t feel qualified to be a mom. Here’s the good news: None of us moms are qualified, but all of us are called. God is the one who opens and closes the womb. Whether your baby was planned for and prayed over or the biggest surprise of your life makes no difference. God plans each life, and your baby is no exception. Your baby is a true gift from God. So trust Him, in His wisdom, to qualify you for mothering.
And Mary said: "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in
God my Savior, for He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant"
(Luke 1:46-48a)