Thursday, April 24, 2008

Your Baby, Your Husband

Just because you have a darling 10-pound baby staring into your eyes almost 24 hours a day, don't forget about your other baby...your husband!

Remember those days when he was your baby, your sole focus at home, the recipient of all your attention? Your husband may be experiencing a little post-baby culture shock too. You're getting used to a busy life with baby, and he's getting used to taking care of himself a little more these days.

I want to encourage you to take a moment for your husband today. Write him a note. Tell him that you realize you haven't cooked a real meal in days. Ask for his opinion about something you're facing with your baby. Ask for his help with baby. Don't be the kind of mom who says "I'm the only one who knows how to change a diaper in this house." Let your husband share in the responsibilities, even if he doesn't do everything exactly like you do.

I have been blessed with a talkative, expressive husband who's not afraid to voice his needs (maybe it's because he's Italian and from New York?). He and I recently did a podcast together (a first for us!) called, "She Loses, He Loses" about how both of us needed to lose weight after baby . Isn't it true your husband probably gained a few "sympathy pounds" - ha! On the podcast, my husband James and I talk about what we did to drop the pregnancy pounds together. What does this have to do with loving your husband? Getting your body back is a great way to show you care for your man since physical appearance probably matters a great deal to him. My weekly podcast is called "Losing Weight After Baby" and I hope you'll check out the show.

So this weekend, think of your other baby - your husband - and tell him how much you love him.

Love never fails. I Corinthians 13:8

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