When was the last time you were frustrated with your post-baby wardrobe?
I remember after having Noelle, I wanted to wear non-maternity jeans so badly, but I didn't have any that fit. I was so frustrated! But instead of marching out to the outlet mall to buy a pair of new jeans, I just waited. Having nothing to wear actually works as a motivation to lose weight!
So here's an easy tip for you if you want to shed some pregnancy pounds: Have a pair of goal jeans handy. Not super skinny jeans. Jeans that are one size smaller than you are right now. Keep them where you can see them. Pick one day of the week when you will try these jeans on. Make it your goal to zip them up one day. Even if it takes several weeks, don't give up!
When I put on my jeans and they actually fit, it was a wonderful feeling. You can accomplish your goals if you put your mind to it. There are even many things you can learn spiritually from meeting a physical goal like losing weight. Traits like perseverance, self-control, patience, and the list goes on.
I'm rooting for you! Keep your goal jeans handy and be sure to come back and leave a comment when they fit!
"Love is patient..." I Cor. 13:4
You are always a shot in the arm for me! This week, exercising has not been on my to-do list, and so I missed several days. Plus, with my accountability partner (my son!) at camp, I haven't had anyone saying, "Let's go, Mom!"
Thanks for being such an encouragement!
Go Rebecca! You can do it!
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