Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Enjoying their games

Our children are small for a very short time.  Do you ever find yourself dismissing them because you have things you need to get done?  Just today my daughter asked me to play with her Littlest Pet Shops.  I am not good at playing make believe with dogs, cats, and ferrets but I did it anyway.  How often does my daughter ask me to play these days?  Now that I have a ten-year-old child I'm clinging to her childhood games.  I'm trying to enjoy (not endure) some activities that she likes.  I want to spend time with her.  I want her to feel valued and loved.  The teen years are coming fast and I want us to have a solid relationship before those stormy years appear.  

My six-year-old and three-year-old enjoy completely different games.  One is into playing with Star Wars characters and playing Candyland.  The other is into shooting basketball and racing cars.  I find myself wanting to play these things just so I can be a part of their fun.  I don't want to be the mom who only talks to my kids about chores and discipline.  I want them to have wonderful childhood memories of a mom who put down the dirty dishes and played with them. When they move out of our house, I will have all the time in the world to do the dishes.  And I'll cry my eyes out.

Enjoy your children.  Spend time with them.  Your to-do list can most likely wait.  

Proverbs 31:28
Her children arise and call her blessed...

I want that to happen in my life!  I want my kids to call me blessed.  I'm still waiting for that day but if it ever happens, it will be a grand day!  I want God to be pleased with my parenting.  Spending time with them, enjoying the time He's given me with them is a gift I can give my children.  It's one big way I can add value to their precious lives. 

Be lifted!

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