Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Too Busy for Fun?

Hey Everybody!

Boy, this is a busy week for me! I'm getting ready to head to Orlando for the FPEA Conference. Maybe I'll see some of you there! I've got a list of things to do before I leave, and "wash the van" was one of them, so my son Derek and I headed out to get that done this morning.

Cleaning the van never fails to remind me of the precious cargo it carries, so I can't get too upset when I find the cups, hats, shirts, and dried-up french fries they leave behind! In spite of the busy day I have, it was good to take the time to laugh with Derek when the hoses got tangled up, spray each other just a little, and debate over which "fragrance" to use on the car seats (He wanted wild cherry; I wanted pina colada. Finally, we agreed to save the quarters and use Febreze when we got home!).

I don't know what kind of day you have planned, but don't forget to take some time out to have fun and ENJOY your kids! They are each so precious; they are one-of-a-kind creations that we have the great privilege to parent!


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