Wednesday, October 15, 2008

October 31

Am I in a mood to pick a fight?  Am I trying to cause controversy?  Not by any stretch.  I just want to get you thinking because this is something I've given a lot of prayer and thought to.  I've lived in several different states and cities.  Every place we've lived Halloween has meant something a little different to people.  In Texas it was all about the candy and parties.  Kids were bussed into our neighborhood to get more candy.  Christian families took their kiddos trick or treating and it was widely accepted.  Where I lived in Minneapolis, it wasn't so widely accepted in Christian circles.  Lots of people I knew only went to harvest parties and did not trick or treat.  Some people would only allow their kids to dress up like Bible characters.  But Anoka, MN is the Halloween capital of the world and it was absolute pandemonium.   I have a buddy that I ran a 5K with in Anoka last  year.  Nearly 2000 people dressed up in fun costumes and ran 3.1 miles to kick off the two hour parade.  I was a pretty cute Napoleon Dynamite! Why do I share all this?  We all see the world differently. Regardless of how people are living around you, how do you treat October 31st?  What are you teaching your kids about it?  It's healthy to examine the reasons you do celebrate or don't celebrate Halloween.  

1.  Do you decorate?  Why or why not?
2.  Do you want your kids to dress up? Why or why not?
3.  Are your actions/attitudes pleasing to God?

Even if you have babies at home and no older kids, this will eventually be an issue you'll have to deal with.  Maybe you're at a place where you aren't sure what you think about all of it.  I've been there so I understand.  

I prayed about whether or not I should share this...if you're interested in what we do at our house...If you don't want to know then skip this part!!  We do dress up and go trick or treating.  There, I said it.  We also hand out treats.  But we don't decorate and we don't make a big deal out of it. We do talk to  our kids about how Satan can use anything to try to get his way or try to get a hold of us.  Our kids know the basics of the origins of Halloween and that some horrible things have happened on Halloween.  We don't wear gruesome costumes and I do talk about how terror and gore are not pleasing to God.  But, yes, as offensive as it may to be to some, we are going to dress up in fun costumes: a sheriff, a basketball player, and Dash from the Incredibles.  And if I can't find something else, I just might run in Anoka on October 25th dressed as Napoleon again.  

But let me tell you from experience, you've got to be prepared to answer questions.  Be prepared to explain why you what you do.  Number one:  What are you celebrating on October 31?  For us it's just an easy way to score some Milky Ways and meet people in our community.  People in Minnesota didn't talk much to their neighbors.  We met 90% of our neighbors on our first Halloween!  Number two: What are you celebrating in your every day life?   Your salvation?  Money, prestige, and stuff?  Love, life, and the pursuit of happiness?  Freedom in Christ?  Love, joy, peace, patience, and long suffering?  I believe that God is very interested in our answers.   

This particular Halloween I'm celebrating the fact that we can all  have different opinions  on this issue and still be united in Christ.  And the fact that my youngest will still share his goodies with me...

Be lifted!

Romans 15:5
May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Jesus Christ.

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1 comment:

Jessica said...

This is great!

Hope you're doing well. I'll write to you soon.

Jessi, Athens GA