Obviously I don't know what day it is or what week it is for that matter. I think I missed a post, maybe two. I hope I can be forgiven. My life is upside down. Ten days ago we got the keys to our new house in Greenwood, Indiana. We rushed around like crazy people, moving things from our little apartment to our house. We did that for about five days. Then we took the kids on last Wednesday to Minnesota to empty out our house. Sunday night we arrived by van and U-Haul with almost all of our things. We were pretty upset that it didn't all fit. So yesterday we unloaded the U-Haul and began the tedious work of putting things where they go. Things never fit the same in a new kitchen! I was so happy to see my Minnesota friends and mortified to leave them. I went so far as to tell some of my friends that I just didn't want to make any new friends. I'm happy with the ones I've got! I've tried to make friends in Indiana but it's not working so well yet. Don't people think I'm as charming and funny as I think I am? Lately I've been retreating a bit because it's exhausting trying to get people to like you. But as I drove 10 1/2 hours back to Indiana something dawned on me--even though I don't have new friends here I know that I can't live in isolation. I am a people person to the core and this move has been especially hard. I'm lonely. I miss my friends. I miss my church. I miss my wonderful neighbors. I miss my YMCA. I miss having something or someone familiar. I feel pretty pitiful about now! I want to walk into a room and people say, "Hey new person, we're so happy you're here. Please be our friend! Please hang out with us. Please get to know us. We can't wait to get to know you." Okay, this may seem silly and a little out there but I specifically prayed for such an event to take place! I've been praying for months that God would bring some people my way. This prayer was different though. I really laid it out there for God. I told him I needed something uplifting in the form of people in my life. I can't keep clinging to relationships in Minnesota. Though they will remain my dearest friends, the relationships have to change. I will only see them a couple times a year at best and I've got to figure out how to live life here and now. So I pleaded with God to help me find some friends THIS week. So here goes... Today I spoke at a MOPS group, not even 48 hours after I prayed this prayer, and I felt like I was at home. People were kind and friendly, not to mention inviting. I honestly think they are taking applications for new people to join! (Not everyone is doing that you know...I can't even get my resume on file at some places...) So let me tell you! God is big. He can answer prayer. He does! What is the desire of my heart? I want to find a place where I belong and where I can serve Him with people who love Him like I do. I found some people today!!! There they were right in my face! I got invited to come to their church service, Sunday School class, and even out to dinner with the ladies?? God answers us and wants to give us the desires of our hearts when we're following Him! He created us to want fellowship with each other so of course He will provide the people. Praise God for such a blessing!
So what does this have to do with motherhood? For me, a lot. I have spent the last several months working very hard to get my kids' lives in order. I have worked to find them fun things to do and friends to play with after school. Their world is upside down too. Now they are in a new school and starting over. I feel exhausted physically and emotionally. I need some girlfriend support. I need to find someone to just chat with and process all this change with. I am a better mom overall when I have friends in my life. Just ask my kids! I am a social creature and I feel like I've been slowly dying. For you other social creatures out there you know what I mean. Just after two hours at a MOPS meeting I feel energized and ready to give more of myself to my kids and to my unpacking fiasco.
So again, sorry for missing a post or two. I haven't had the Internet or my make-up bag, not even sure I have clothes for tomorrow. I have about 35 boxes to unpack yet and every bone in my body hurts. But I met some people today! Woo hoo!!
Praising God for lifting me up again and again,

Psalm 107:28-29
Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.
1 comment:
My husband and I lived in four different states the first seven years of our marriage--I DO KNOW! It can be so hard to make friends and one of the reasons is because, just as you said with your friends from Minnesota, unless you are hungry for friends, you don't need them. You don't seek them out. So as the one who moved, you are the one who is hungry for friends, coming into a new place where everyone already has their established relationships and quite frankly, they are done.
Now that I have lived in the same place for over 13 years, I have to constantly remind myself to be on the lookout for people who are new, lonely, or just needing friends. We were all made for fellowship.
love you!
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